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“Bismillah (In the name of God)”

Changing it’s hard to do. It doesn’t matter what you need or want to change in your life, it can become almost impossible, especially if it’s a habit that you have for many years. One of the things that we forget is the fact that we control nothing. God is the one who give, decide for us and sustain us.  This year, put God first in your life. Incorporate the following suggestions in your daily life with conviction and sincerity to achieve success.

  1. Put God first
  2. Ask God for forgiveness
  3.  Ask God to help you
  4.  Ask God for guidance
  5.  Ask God for mercy
  6.  Give charity
  7.  Be grateful
  8.  Mend broken relationships
  9.  Do not gossip
  10.  Show kindness to others
  11.  Meditate.

How to implement the above list in your life

Put God First

 Putting God first in your life means to be mindful of His existence and try your best to include Him in all that you do.  The easiest way to do that is to say, “In the name of God” before you do anything.

What do I mean by that?

Suppose you’re going to wash your hands, as your turn on the water, you say; “In the name of God.”

Why should you bother?

 Think!  Where is the water coming from? who gave you the ability to know what to do? God, that’s why before you start anything say, “In the name of God.”

“Blessed is the One in Whose Hands rests all authority. And He is Most Capable of everything.” Surah 67 Vs. 1

Ask God for forgiveness

This is something that you can do any time. You can do it early in the morning as you wake up, in the middle of the day or at night “Oh God please forgive me, oh God please forgive me” you can say it as many times as you want. Do it whenever you think of it, until the practice becomes part of your daily routine. This will cost you nothing.

“And seek forgiveness from Allah (God). Surely Allah (God) is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate.” Surah 4 vs. 106

Ask God for help

“Oh God please help me” What can you do without God?

Ask God for guidance

Who is the best person to ask for guidance? Who should you turn to before you go to anyone else? God! So, say “Oh God please guide me” and you can say this as often as you want or when you are feeling lost/frustrated .

Ask God for mercy

Yes, God is the Merciful, so it does not hurt you to ask Him for mercy.” God have mercy on me”

Give Charity

What does it mean to be charitable? Whenever I talk to someone about giving to charity most of the time, I get the answer” I will when I have enough money , when I can.” OK let’s say you don’t have money you can smile to make somebody happy that’s charity. Also, you don’t need to have a lot of money to give to charity the first thing that you need to do is to decide that you are going to be charitable. You can start with $0.10 or a dollar.  You see a beggar asking whatever you have in your pocket that you can spare you give it, instead of closing your eyes or turning your head.  Start with little make it a habit and more money will come to you. Have you ever heard the saying “You have to spend money to make money?” charity is the best way to spend your money whatever you spend in charity comes back to you two or three times more. However, give charity for the sake of God or to please God that will be better for you.

Be grateful

When you are grateful that means you’re thankful to someone for something. So, instead of saying I am grateful for this or that, be sure to state to whom you are grateful to. Instead, say “I am so grateful to God for putting so and so in my life. Or God thank you for my eyes to see, thank you for my life and so on.”

Mend broken relationships

This year, try to have a clean slate with everyone you deal with.  Try to repair all misunderstandings or fall outs.   Depending on the gravity of the situation, you can start by sending the person a text or an e-mail inquiring about his/her health, family or ask how is life treating you?

Do not gossip

This is something that is hard to do because you don’t want to be different from the people around you or feel left out.  That’s why You really must pay attention and keep watch over Yourself and avoid talking about people. Gossiping is talking behind somebody’s back. It is telling something about a person that if he/she finds out will either hurt his/her feelings or make him/her unhappy. So, avoid that habit.

Show kindness to others

Be nice to yourself and other people. Do something that will make somebody happy. Don’t say hurtful words to purposely hurt someone’s feelings.


Meditation is away to put your soul at ease and clear your mind. Here is one of my favorite meditations. It’s short, simple with a clear idea or goal.


Achieving a happy and successful life is possible. Focus on God, yourself and your action towards others will make a big difference in your life. Try the above suggestions and let me know what changes you have seen in your life.

Welcome to success and here to your best year!

Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to Allah (God)” Surah 4 Vs. 126