Avon Current Brochure
Avon Current Brochure

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“Bismillah (In the name of God,)”

Gratitude is a word that is used all the time.  I feel that sometimes that word is used without understanding its significance. Being grateful is necessary to live a happy life.  However, being grateful to God has the power to make you feel happy and experience life in an unimaginable way.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and appreciative to God or someone for the good or favor that a person has done for you, or for someone else.

Why should you be grateful?

 This is the story of Satan’s disobedience to God and men’s reason for gratitude.

  We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.

God said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” Satan said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”

God said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”

Satan said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”

God said, “You are of those given respite.”

Satan said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.

 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them grateful.”

God said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you—I will fill up Hell with you all. (Su. 17 Vs. 11-18)

Now that you know what is gratitude is and its importance, I invite you to a 30-day gratitude challenge.

Directions: Each day, you are going to reflect and observe how each of the things listed below has helped you and someone else. Start by saying I am grateful or thankful to God or the creator for. Please, refrain from saying the universe because the universe is part of creation and not the creator.

  If by any chance you feel that you don’t have something that is on the list, you can either replace it with something else or look for it in someone who is close to you and decide if it’s something you would like to have as part of your character or person in the future.

Day 1- Your eyes

Day 2- Your ears

Day 3- Your nose

Day 4- Your mouth

Day 5- Your hands

Day 6- Your feet

Day 7- Your body

Day 8- Your organs

Day 9- Your health

Day 10- Your life

Day 11- Your Family

Day 12- Your Friends

Day 13- Your Courage

Day 14- Your Surroundings

Day 15- Your Knowledge

Day 16- Your Passion

They 17- Your Vocations

Day 18- Your Learning

Day 19- Your Wisdom

Day 20- Your Work

Day 21- Colors

Day 22- Your Accomplishments

The 23- Honesty

Day 24- Compassion

Day 25- Favors

Day 26- Light

Day 27- Love

Day 28- Humility

Day 29- Ambition/ Dream

Day 30-People who helped you.

Now that you have completed the challenge, create a gratitude poster to inspire others to do the same as you, continue being grateful to God or the Creator.

“So, Remember Me I will remember you and be grateful to me and be not ungrateful. (Su. 2 Vs. 152)